92% Seller carry on 10 unit apartment complex

This is an off market apartment complex that we structured with a 92% seller carry at 5% interest only for two years and then 6% interest only for the following eight with a ten year balloon. This complex was being under rented and the seller was tired of dealing with it. The interest rate was set at 5% to net the seller the same amount of money they were cash flowing monthly but no longer had the headache of managing. This left the buyer the upside of improving the property and increasing rents to cash flow overtime. The seller preferred carrying a contract to defer their capital gains tax and continue to receive monthly and now completely passive income. The downpayment also gave the seller a nice chunk of money now to go on vacation with and spend a decent chunk of money from their years of ownership. We structured this on a land sales contract so the seller would not need to pay their depreciation recapture at this point as well.


Buying 2 Mid-Term Rentals with $4,000


Getting a 2.75% interest rate in a 7.5% rate environment